Mint Tea

Christmas performance

On the stage! Once again! This time, it was really depressing. I had a stomache since the very beginning of the morning. I felt sick from nervosity and I had a reason. After all disagreements and disappointments throughout trainings I have to admit that this dance was really beautiful and I loved it so much. However it was too difficult and complicated, so my fears springed from insecurities that we weren´t able of dancing simultaneously... the first attempt of rehearsal was pure cataclysm. Literally. We kicked and puched each other, confused of narrower stage... I´m so thankful to coincidence, that no one saw that, because I´ve made an exception and invited four guests... Geez. The second attempt was considerably better, but there was one part where I had to jump... and I didn´t. Zuzka asked me, why, and the reason was my fear and slippery floor. I was scared to fall or hit my dance-mate... 
Performance itself was... great. I´ve had really good feeling about it, althought Ž commented, I was one second ahead of the others. Whatever... I trully enjoyed that time on stage. And you know what? I jumped! ^_^ 

In spite of inviting two photographers, these photos are from unknown one. Hopefully I would live to see those black and whites from B and his Leica :P

Note: Michell, thank you SO much for lending me your dress :*



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