Do you remember my promise to eat every single day at least one piece of something with vitamins, like fruit or vegetable? Well, I have to admit, I'm doing great. I've start to eat fruit for my breakfast and mixed salad for lunch. Everything thanks to (David.. eh eh) Cassey. She is really great. I mean it. She is funny, so energetic and optimistic, so it so easy to love her. So, say hello to my virtual trainer of POP pilates or whatever are these bloody workouts I've been doing called :D

That big shiny smile is Cassey. I think, she is from LA or something american like that, because she used to shoot her videos on the beach too (so what about my awful carpet and annoying ficus, pfff, where is the equality? :/ ). Nevertheless, I've been following her May-calendar plan from the first day of month and I can say without feeling guilty, that I'm stronger and healthier than before. My daddy say that too! (Although I suspect he was just teasing .__. )
Well, if you wanna burn your body, feel free to write Cass or just visit her websites -> BLOGILATES

At the end... I'm fighting with school. It bores me and I just can't force myself to work until it's no longer postponable. Despite of I've got a B from the last exam from winter term and now I'm really depressed of NOT being able to focus, since I hopelessly fell in love with something, that I'm too unlucky to experience, so at least this is my inspiration and maybe, I'll be able to finish the Arts at least. Simply because I've decided to exploit the time wasted on listing thousands of photographies and actually drew one of them. Sorry, it's my guilty pleasure, you are not going to see that :P The last new thing is, I'm going to perform! Woohoo, geez I'm scared! It's from those dance classes I attend and it will be fuuuun! ^_^
Sorry for the month of silence. I've been shooting, but have some finance issues, so this finished film is still in bookcase waiting for the right time to be developed... soon, hopefully.