Three Musketeers
Another series I fell in love with. Completely. Unconditionally. Four men. In hats. With swords/cords. And guns. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan. And Constance.
Your argument is invalid.

The story begins with the youngest and bravest one, escorted by his father to the Parisian garison, where the musketeers, as the guards of his eminence the king Louis XIII and her majesty the queen Anne, live. He wants to join the crew and become one of them.
However, d'Artagnan is not that lucky, because they are attacked by some masked musketeers from the Red Guard of Cardinal Richelieu, who killed his father. The last thing d'Artagnan senior is capable to say is just one name: "Athos". D'Artagnan junior understands very quickly, what this strange name means and immediately decides to found the murderer of his father and challenges him to a fight.
Nevertheless, nothing works according to a plan, so things get complicated. Of course. For more... I seriously advise you to watch the show. You will be the witness of a pure friendship and love, funny moments and teasing jokes, and faithfullness and justice while fighting against evils throughout every single episode.
played by Tom Burke. The quiet alcoholic with a broken heart but the best swordsman of them all.

Best quotes:
- "I will punch you so hard you will beg me to kick you."
- Porthos: (Screams!)
Athos: "That was either wounded bull... or Porthos."
- Athos: "They say you've broken one of the windows." (to Aramis who was violently thrown out of the window)
- Rochefort: "What was that for?" (after Athos punched him)
Athos: "To see how it would feel. (Turns back the to musketeers.) It felt good."
- The musketeers asks Rochefort, why he didn't return to Paris, after escaping from spanish prison.
Rochefort: "I needed protection! A lot of people would like to see me dead."
Athos: "I can understand the sentiment."
played by Howard Charles. The big one. But so outspoken and friendly.Best quotes:
- The whole funeral of Athos. Watch episode 1x10
- Athos: "Attacking an unarmed opponent defies every principle of chivalry."
Porthos: (Picks up a fork from a table with a grin)
Athos: "Close enough."
- Someone: "I'm disappointed."
Porthos: "But on the bright side. You are not dead yet."
- Treville: "Hasn't the woman suffered enough?"
Porthos: "Absolutely, she's been with Aramis for two days!"
- Porthos: "I stole nothing, broke nothing, and stabbed nothing. Aren't you proud of me?"
played by Santiago Cabrera. The breaker of women's hearts, so kind and lovable.

Best quotes:
- "Anyone can tell a woman she is beautiful - making her believe it is where the genius lies."
- "If by romantic you mean a man who gladly acknowledges the superiority of the female sex, then I accept the description."
- Princess Louise: "Tell me, sir, do you know something about Sweden?"
Aramis: "It snows there... and it's cold."
- Aramis: "Take care of your gun and it will take care of you. That's another thing you have to learn to be a good musketeer."
Aramis: "Well, as long as it will be funny."
played by Luke Pasqualino. The youngest and the bravest. With the sense of righteousness in the heart.

-> this is the moment we all have been secretly waiting and wishing for. Why? Because you are not a musketeer, until you have the hat. So, CONGRATULATION d'Artagnan :) yeah and uhm... spoilers!
And moreover, now we can all understand, why it was "three musketeers" while there were four men.
Best quotes:
- Innkeeper: "20 sous for the bed. Ten if you share. Any lice or crabs?"
D'Artagnan: "No, thanks, just bed and dinner."
- Treville: "All right, I'll ride with you. But not as your commanding officer."
d'Artagnan: "Whatever you say, Captain."
- Athos: "The King's council has been in chaos since the Cardinal died... They say he wore out his heart in the service of France."
D'Artagnan: "It's a pleasant surprise to hear he had one at all."
- "If this gets me hanged, I'm going to take it very personally."
Yeah. Sarcasm all the way. Love that character <3
- "Shut up and kiss me." to Constance.
- "You shine so brightly in my eyes it puts every other woman in the shade." to Constance. Obviously <3
played by Tamla Kari. She is amazing. As strong as it was possible for a woman in that man's world.
Best quotes:
- D’Artagnan: "Well, if you need me, you know where to find me."
Constance: "With the pretty princess Louise. Should I be jealous?"
D’Artagnan: "She's engaged and about to be married."
Constance: "I'm married. And that didn't stop you either."
#constagnan <3
Milady de Winter
played by Maime McCoy. The most dangerous assassin. And liar.
Best quotes:
- "This woman is a liar and a cheat, why should we trust her?" Athos to Treville.
Milady: "Aramis is dead, the King is in terrible danger, but by all means let's discuss my moral character. We have all day."
Cardinal Richelieu
played by Peter Capaldi. The badass villain from the first season.

Captain Treville
played by Huge Speer. The leader of king's musketeers. One of the wisest man.

The last thing I would love to share... please, just please, don't waste your time with the movie of Three musketeers, where Orlando Bloom plays the Duke of Buckingham. It is all too bad. Trust me.
Me: "The Musketeers series is so cool!"
You: "They are not even french!"
Athos: "Dude, come on, really?”
Me: "They are cool!"
1 komentářů
#constagnan the best team since first day
OdpovědětVymazatAramis ♥♥♥
Thank you! :) I appreciate it!