Gilmore Girls
From that precious moment, I reviewed a Leverage series, I absolutely forgot to do that again even when I watched three different series I liked so much. So I´m gonna get it right and tell you something about really old serie called Gilmore Girls.
Seriously, everybody around me already knew it or at least have heard about it. I´ve heard a bit too, but never really watched it at all. Until the awesome moment of finishing school when I had all the time I wanted. So what should be more proper, than doing something you didn´t have time for?
I picked Gilmore Girls ´cause I´m full of fantasy stuff. I´m not even capable of finishing a Mr Norrell and Johnatan Strange book. So I switched to sarcasm, cynical humor and irony of two women having the same name, Lorelai Gilmore. The older one is mum of the younger one, called Rory. They both live in a small town, Starshollow, with they neighbours and friends Sookie, Luke, Lane and every single friday are visiting grandparents, Emily and Richard Gilmore.
Lorelai Gilmore
Played by Lauren Graham. As a brief summary of her life is good to know, she got pregnant in her sixteen with a childhood friend Christopher Hayden. They both came from rich families (Emily and Richard are parents of hers) of the upper class. She refused to marry Chris and ran away with baby. Now she works as a manager in Independence Inn with a dream of her own Inn.
She is very talkative, free-spirited, cynical, very strong and independent. Her eating manners are something truly untrustworthy. She hates vegetable and fruit, her fuel is coffee from the Luke´s and junk food such as chinese food or burgers with fries, and she is still so good looking and slim!
Rory Gilmore
Played by Alexis Bledel. She grew up far from luxurious houses and bottomless accounts of her grandparents, raised just by her mum, Lorelai, who somehow managed that Rory is the very best in school, following her dreams of becoming a journalist after graduating from Harvard.
Unfortunatelly the first step is paying a tuiton for a prestigious Chilton prep school she got into and Lorelai had to ask her parents. From that moment on, Rory meets her grand parents for dinner every friday. This helped her to got to University. As the series concludes, we can watch her becoming a college graduate.
She is very intelligent and similar to her mum, Lorelai. They both have great impact on their friend, moreover Rory influenced her (ex)boyfriends to be better. Her best friend is Lane, little korean girl and passionate drummer Rory never stop being in touch with and personally my favorite guy she used to date, is Jess, nephew of Luke´s.
Lorelai and Rory aren´t just family, they are best friends and they dialogues are the most funniest.
Lorelai: "I got here early and there was nothing to do
except feed gummy bears to the bomb-sniffing dogs which, apparently, the
United States government frowns upon."
Rory: "You got in trouble with the government while you were waiting for me?"
Lorelai: "Just a little."
Rory: "How much is a little?"
Lorelai: "Learn Russian."
Rory: "You never socialized me properly, I should hate you right now. Do something to make me hate you."
Lorelai: "Um, go Hitler!"
Lorelai: "I’m going to go make out in the coat room. Don’t eat my chicken."
Rory: "That’s going on your tombstone."
Lorelai: "Hey, I should bring steak sauce, right?"
Rory: "For what?"
Lorelai: "Pizza."
Rory: "I just got back from Italy."
Lorelai: "So?"
Rory: "So they’d shoot you in Italy for that."
Lorelai: "But this is America, where we unapologetically
bastardize other countries’ cultures in a gross quest for moral and
military supremacy."
Rory: "I forgot. Bring on the imperialistic condiments."
Sookie St.James
Lorelai´s best friend from Independence Inn and the best chef in whole Connecticut.
Luke Danes
Luke owns local dinner and he is Lorelai´s provider of coffee and junk food. They usually bicker about useless stuff, teasing and loving each other.
Jess Mariano
One of Rory´s exboyfriend, but I like his character. He is this typical misunderstood bad boy, but inteligent and gifted. I am #teamjess anyhow stupid it sounds. I just really love the chemistry between two of them and the way they stayed friends till the end of series.
These are my favorite characters from Gilmore Girls and everybody except of Sookie are coming back in Revival!!!

2 komentářů
♥ Inspirovala jsem se a děsně super to je ^_^ ♥ Lorelai je skvělá
OdpovědětVymazatTo sa teším! Gilmorky ti rozhodne vykúzlia úsmev na tvári :) ešte mám jeden seriál, ktorý ma bavil sarkastickým humorom, snáď sa čoskoro dokopem k článku :D
VymazatThank you! :) I appreciate it!