Mint Tea

Burg Kreuzenstein

Day 134: Go on a photography adventure.

Three things need to be said about this fairy-tale-ish castle: it does look like some kind of medieval place with wooden table ten times bigger than any of the holes in the wall (it had to be placed inside the kitchen before the roof, hell yeah)... it is really romantic... however, it is sort of a collage of many architectural styles and sometimes it feels too odd. You look at one side and see combination of a gothic rooftop next to a romanesque wall. You look inside the gothic building and find exactly the same ceiling as it is inside of the Vladislav Hall within the Prague Castle. Strange as it was, it was kinda beautiful mess.
It was reconstructed under the leadership of Jan Nepomucky after it was destroyed by the Swedes. He reconstructed it as sight-seeing castle on purpose. Well... it works till now.

Yeah and these three Chihuahuas where the highlight of the trip ;) too cute to be left unphotographed.

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