Mint Tea

The Labyrinth of Pernštejn

Another of our trips to Czech castles and temples. This time it was Pernštejn, located close to Brno. I have to say... was really interesting, because it's built on the top of a cliff and originally, it had really small rooms, so Pernštejns and other pro-active monarchs had been enlarging rooms by building bay-windows or building new ones at the expense of yards and courts. Therefore, they turned this castle into such a labyrinth!

Anyway, it was the first time I could try my new camera and ...omg! I love it so much. That kitchen you can see bellow was pitch black! The only thing that was possible to see was the tiny window... and the edges of the nearest things. And that was it. Nothing more. Everyone needed to use the flash, which was forbidden, so I was the only one able to take a photo of the interior in daylight :)

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