Mint Tea

The end of suffering

Jo, žijem, keby to niekoho zaujímalo. I keď, bolo to o vlas. Skrátka... moja škola je nesmierne náročná, únavná, ja ju nezvládam, tak ma to deptá... poznáte? Nie? Šťastní ľudia. Nuž. Vďaka skúškovému a ateliérovému týždňu nebola poriadne chuť čokoľvek fotiť či písať. Natož niečo, čo nemusím, a tak moj blogísek ostal zabudnutý. Teraz to ale napravím...

Skúškové nám síce skončilo, pre mňa však nebolo úspešné a tak si niektoré skúšky budem musieť dorobiť behom letného semestra. Týmto slávnostne sľubujem, že už to nenechám zájsť tak ďaleko a pokúsim sa veci robiť na čas. Inak vraj Mikey priberie a bude svojmu bruchu hovoriť Melounek. Pochopiteľne, to nemožem dovoliť x_X...

Takže, taká rýchlovka. Začala som tancovať a je to tá najdokonalejšia odreagovačka od školy. Pretože ma bolí všetko ostatné, len nie oči a hlava, čo sposobuje čumenie do počítača, keď naposlednú chvíľu klikám v AutoCADe 27 výkresov. Späť k tanečnej. Učí ma Eliška Mašterová a je to nie len nadaná tanečnica, ale aj vtipálek a úžasný človek. I keď nás občas pekne sprdne a pripomenie nám, že by sme mali premýšlať. A ničí ma. Moja ľavá noha podává už druhú hodinu stažnosť, pretože bolí jak šlak. Dovodom bude, že sa konečne hýbem. Na pesničku Katy Perry - Unconditionally. A teraz bude dva týždne nuda, lebo stredoškoláci majú jarné prázdniny! To je nefér! :/

Inak som... prečítala knihu s upírom Matthewom a čarodejnicou Dianou, kúpila si sveter miesto "za odmenu" ako "cenu útechy" a našla hymnu pre moju kamarátku, ktorú volám Stormy. Mimochodom, jej reálne meno nepoznám, ale s pesničkou sa podelím -> Hedley - Stormy.

Tu je sveter:

A ano, chcela by som aj tú sukňu! Je krásna, ale v Pull&Bear vobec nie je na predaj. Ani na webe, ani v obchodoch. A tú motýlikovú šatku niekde zoženiem!

A posledná novinka. Konečne som doma!

Yes, still alive, if someone matters. Even if it was too close. Well... my school is hardly subduable, tiresome, I can't keep up, so I'm depressed... know that? No? Lucky you. So... thanks to exams and term work for architectural studio, there was not any mood for photoshooting or writing. Let alone to something, I really do not have to, and my blog remained forgotten. Now it's time to get it right...

So the exams-time finally ends. Not very successfully for me, and that's why I need to finish them throughout summer term. Thereby I solemnly swear, I will not let it go that far and I will try to do my school stuff at time. Otherwise Mikey would fatten out and would call his belly "Baby melon". Naturally, I just can't allow that x_X...

So, quick recapitulation. I start to dance and it is the most perfect abreaction from school, 'cause it hurts me everywhere on my body except of my eyes and head, which is usually caused by watching on screen, while I'm last-minutely clicking of 27 drawing in AutoCAD. Back to dance classes. I'm tutored by Eliška Mašterová, who is not just talented dancer, but comedian and great person as well. Even if she's used to tell us of and remind us, that we should think more. And she is destroying me! My left leg makes complaint for second time, because it hurts so bad. However, the reason is, I'm finally doing something! On song from Katy Perry - Unconditionally. And now it's going to be two weeks of hellish boredom, because of spring holidays for students on High schools. How unfair! :/

Furthermore... I finished reading book with vampire Matthew and with Diana, bought a knitwear as "consolation prise" instead of "reward for success in school", and found an anthem for my friend, called Stormy. By the way, I don't even know her real name, but I'm gonna share that song at least -> Hedley - Stormy.

And here is that knitwear...
And yes, I would like to have that skirt too! It's damn pretty, however it's not possible to buy anywhere. Not on webs, nor in shops. But I will hunt out that scarve with butterflies!

Last news, I'm at home at last!

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