Mint Tea

Dance without limits

I don't mean some competition in the television with these so-called Stars. I meant it literally! At the last dance class with Eliška, before that stupid angina has caught me in last days, she has showed us ...well... THIS!

Dance without limits. The biggest dance workshop in the Middle Europe with teachers from whole world like Terry Beeman and Derek Mitchell. Seriously, these two are absolutely amazing. Funny, talented, attractive and kind, at least from the videos I had chance to see. However, it's adequately expensive as they do need to pay those dancers, so for the first moment, it has become as too-nice-to-be-real. I didn't really have a big hope for going there in summer. Luckily I have best mum in the world, and she allowed me to go! Woohoo! Thank you :*

...now I'm scared, that I'm too lame to dance with them, too noncommunicative to find some friends... I'm too pesimistic... too me ^ ^. And I'm sooo looking forward!

(Check videos, they are more impressive than photos :) )

Derek - choreographer for So you think you can dance in Ukraine.

Terry - cooperated with Madonna, Paula Abdul, Whitney Huston, Jennifer Lopez, Celine Dion...

 Eliška - my teacher from INDANCE in Prague

and me...

This looks so ridiculous :D :D :D

Anyway, if this wouldn't be amazing, I'm officially lost case. Challenge accepted!

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