Mint Tea

Summer wishlist

Summer is here and I really want to add some stuff to my wardrobe. It's all in white and pink and black... don't ask why. Call it, ehm, simplicity ^_^. So, heeled sandals I can't find anywhere near by...

In addition this white blazer, which I actually would rather take from H&M, than Bershka. Top from Stradivarius, if they will have it..

Sweet light blue dress from Reserved, unfortunately, they already have just big sizes :/

And something my sister Michell has convinced me to try. I have to admit, it didn't look bad... so I'm thinking... maybe...

Maxi skirt like this one is my this-year-must-have! It feels so good have something that fully covers you, if you don't really have mood for showing, it's light, so you won't think about you have something on yourselves, and it's floaty, so you are not going to die from heat, like you would in jeans. However... they don't have my size... :( 

I already have those swimwear, however it was awfull time throughout fitting... God, how I hate those fitting cabins!

Yesterday I was in shopping center, 'cause I've wanted to buy something from this. Instead of buying clothes, I've walked away with book... This one.

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