50 random facts
Today I did this workout with Cassey, where she is doing roll-ups whole time and while I don't have any new photos, I decided to do the same. Except of those roll-ups, but if you are hyperactive, feel free to do it while reading. I have enough :D
1. I've had two hamsters. Žuňo and Mišák.
2. Now I have yorkshire terrier. It's she and her name is Jenny.
3. I've studied one year of Architecture in Bratislava before I moved to Prague.
4. I've also studied in italian Verona.
5. ...and then skipped third year of high school, so I could graduate with my classmates.
6. ...and never actually learnt to speak italian.
7. My favorite meal is cheese pizza Quattro Formaggi.
8. I hate bubbles in drink. So please... don't make me drink Coca-Cola, or even Champagne.
9. I love London. Seriously, I adore this town. Moreover everything, what's british. Sense of humor, fashion, language, weather... !!!

(pics from tumblr)
10. I have this really big celebrity crush to the world's best top male model.
10. I have this really big celebrity crush to the world's best top male model.
11. Best serie I have ever watched is Doctor Who. (and Sherlock)
12. I've used to dance in theater in musicals. Then I quit in seventh grade, because my lovely teacher left to ... LONDON!
13. I can't live without sweets. Really, I've tried!
14. My best friend is my cousin Alen.
15. ...'cause we grew up together.
16. I can't cook. Really... It's just not my thing, you know?
17. ...but I can flip pancakes over in the air.
18. Back to elementary and high school, I really loved chemistry.
19. ...and I disliked English.
20. Now, English is the best language for me. I even think in english.
21. I mean it. My personal record is four hours of daydreaming in english.
22. So yeah, I'm daydreamer and I'm proud of that.
23. Ehm... I'm into flowery and butterfly-y (???) patterns.
24. The score of the battle of me versus faith is something like 2:10 000. However, I'm still fighting!
25. My motto is "Never give up".
26. But I lived with the thought of "Don't cry, because it's over. Smile, because it happened."
27. I'm obsessed with role playing game... ou yeah. I admited it, finally.
28. I don't have favorite number, because I was never able to decide, which one I'm supposed to choose.
29. I'm really moody...
30. So obviously, I'm in need of something, that effectively brightens me up. Usually communications works, but it's my special notebook, what's work for 120%.
31. I got it from my friend Maggie in 2007...
32. It's handmade and almost crumbled...
33. It's also the reason, why I started photographing much more.
34. However, the roots of this hobby are in 1997, I think. I was around seven years old, when my daddy gave me my first camera. It was black, plastic, for film, but without any special settings. My first photos usually include my fingers :D
35. I'm dreaming about big library, like whole one room, where every wall is hidden behind large bookcase up to the ceiling, so you have to use sliding ladders. You know Beauty&the Beast? THAT LIBRARY! :D
36. I love old disney tales.
37. Most beloved one is Lion King.
38. When I was a little girl, I used to play with lego. No dolls, no barbies.
39. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I like shisha.
40. I don't like my nose and hair.
41. I always wished for my sister's hair. Thick, dark brown, wavy.
42. But I love my legs (inherited from my mum) and my eyes (from my dad).
43. I always take all the good from everything.
44. As a child, I've used to be very blithe. Always climbed on every wall and tree..
45. ...also parapet and heater, from which I fell down and ripped my cheek. I still have scar there.
46. I fell from provisional swing we've made with Alen and hung it up on the tree branch. I landed at the edge of big wooden frame of bed we brought from sold cottage and hit my back. Everybody thought I would never ever walk again, because I wasn't able to sit or move.
47. For that time, I'm too carefull and worried about everything, so I can't even say hello to stranger.
48. I've had two really great friends. Both were called Veronika, exactly as me, and both dumped me with the reason "you are not interesting anymore"
49. I'm not funny. I'm sarcastic. And I love to laugh.
50. I love being a sun in someone's life.
Tadá! That was exhausting!
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