10 things I hate the most
I've been washing dishes and thinking about stuff I hate the most, because I became sort of inspired, while standing in the kitchen with both of my hands covered with bubbles. It's not that I hate these house works, no, not at all, actually I like them, cause I can rest my eyes and mind for a while. No, it's the mess and the food that is hardened and stay literally glued to the cooker, which is driving me crazy. So that's the first thing and here we go.
1) I hate, when somebody finish cooking and leave that goddamn cooker dirty with remains of food to harden and dry. Oh, that's so disgusting! Rinse it or fill it with water, for god sake! It won't take so much time! Ten seconds top! Geez!
2) I hate 25 degrees and higher temperatures. I'm all-the-other-seasons lover. Summer is so exhausting! I still want to sleep, I still feel tired, without energy, my eyes hurt, still feel sweaty and gluey, I can't breath this warm air and ... I can't wear sweathers, otherwise I would involuntarily self-ignite.
3) I hate delays. I mean... I don't mind delays WHILE I'm still OUTSIDE of the transportation vehicle. Somewhere on the platform or whatever. Being prisoned inside of bus or train or even car, I feel so helpless and unable to move. My bottom is in pain, cause I have to remain seated and can't stand up and go for a walk. And the time is mooooviiiing sooooo sloooowly. Screw this x_X
4) I hate cabbage, but you all already know that.
5) I hate running out of pictures on film. I have broken counter on my analogue Nikon, so it always is such an unpleasant surprise...
6) I hate stinking people. Don't mind if it's because of sweat in this annoying heat, alcohol, cigarettes or all-3-in-1. It's horrible and there should be some sensor for that at every entrance, such as fire-alarm.
7) I hate insect, because it does love me!
8) I hate, when people are staring at me with those blank faces I can't read. It's always questionable... Do I look riddiculous, pathetic or beautiful they can't even breath? Do I have something on my face, on my clothes? Did a bird shit on me or am I carrying a toiletpaper captured on my slip shoe? ... they just don't have any expression at all. It really bothers me a lot.
9) I hate disgusting sweets. It is pissing me of, cause you are so looking forward to have something good and tasty, and to your disappointment you end up spitting it into a trashbin.
10) Most of all I hate annoying noices and sounds. For example banging with dishes... oh yeah, my teeth are already sawed-off, but with this disturbing bluster I would need dental prothesis in my thirties x_X
And no, I'm not full of hate, don't worry. I just needed to take my anger and frustration out.

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