Mint Tea

My new lair

I still cannot say I'm settled or fully habitated, but I'm on my way! Karin, my new roomie, got a job in France, so I will have a new room-mate for holidays. Anyway, our room looks more like a human bedroom than hm... emporium O.o

I prepeard five floorplans we could use and picked one. I think, Karin seemed satisfied as she share my idea of sleeping closer to the window. So we put both matraces as close to window, as it was possible, both of each side of room to create "sleeping part", then placed tables in "working part" and the closest to door are those clothing rags, little library and wardrobe as a "dressing part", and the window bay is a "resting part" :P


That yellow room is ours.

Awesome view for my window. I can see some kind of baroque residence. I think it's embassy or something like that, because it's guarded throughout day and night by policeman.

... and kitchen.

By the way, these are the last photographies from my digital Canon. The basic lens is not working anymore due to broken teeth of sprocket of focus... :/ You can see, that they are kinda blurred. The problem is, I can't see if it's sharp until I put my photos in the computer. And the other thing is, I don't know how I managed to do that, but the bottom half of every pic is blue... so... I guess I need to save my money for new camera :/

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