Mint Tea

At the Peace Square

Sometimes I just get lucky enough to meet my dearest Stormy two times in one week. This time we met even with Chris, but you know what, Chris wants to stay incognito and I'm not gonna be the one who will ruin it. So... just me and my sunshine, sitting on the cathedral stairs, having the group photo we've been talking since I screwed the one film from our walk in forest of Hostivař and her championship. That morning was quite nice, chilly a bit, but sun was fighting its way from behind the clouds, people were walking among us, dressed very diversely. Ones in flip-flops and shorts, others in sweaters with scarves wrapped tightly around neck. We definitely fit in.

I had few hours before my departure back to Bratislava for weekend and I couldn't spend it better. We went for breakfast that were way too much expensive, but it was worth it anyway. Chris provided all the talk while the two of us were just smiling at each other and enjoying that peaceful time we were able to steal for ourselves. Hopefully, this wasn't the first and last time of our gathering.

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