Cape Verde V.
The second trip was to the edge of the local slum... it stank really awfully. Exactly like a place that has no sewer system. We were told, that the people have a certain spot inside their dwellings, which is used as toilet. How sad is that? The children were happy, though. So keen for the tourists with a prospect of something sweet to eat, although we have been warned right before the entrance to not to do that.
Simply because there is no chance you can give the same amount of food to everyone and children especially are kinda envious of each other, so it was better to give them nothing at all. Nonetheless, there is a charity group that takes care of the food and school stuff, so we did not have to be ashamed to keep everything for ourselves. However, we did anyway.
It was terrible and I felt like I needed to get away as soon as possible. Too many children. Too many expecting expressions. Too much of everything. I was an intruder the olders didn't want to keep around. I could see why... it didn't feel as nice as on the first trip where I enjoyed playing with kids. This was a bloody mess... where you needed to watch your steps. Literally. Otherwise you took something unpleasant back home.

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Thank you! :) I appreciate it!