School Projects
As much as I´ve wished Christmas won´t come so quickly, ´cause I´ve known, it would be just a matter of few weeks I would have needed to finish my bachelor work, they are now over and moreover I committed my work just yesterday. Time is running so fast! Still remember the sickness and fear of beginning of new term, scared even think about how much work is needed to be done... and now, after uncountable amount of time behind computer and huge amount of money I refused to think about, I finally finished this important project that started as a knoll of plasticine balls. Heh.
I need to thank you. Thank you for your help, your understanding the importance of this work, moral support, my mum especially for financial support and a ride to home and then even back to Prague. Thank you for patience and interest, and thank you so so much for all the kind and encouraging words you´ve all been telling me since the very beginning. It might not seem important, but it was. It lowered my bad feeling about being unsociable, talking for three months just about school stuff and having bad mood when something could not be done according to my plan. Thank you even for the most little stuff you´ve done for making me smile. I´ve noticed everything.
However, I don´t want to be too personal, so I will keep the rest of it for meetings in-person. Now is the time to show you, how it looked like at the end so you can have an idea of what I´ve been struggling with.
Part A - General report
Part B - Architectural and constructive part

Part C - Supporting structure
Part D - Technical facilities

Part E - Fire precautionary lay-out
Part F - Construction works
Part G - Interior design
Part A - General report
Part B - Architectural and constructive part

Part C - Supporting structure

Part D - Technical facilities

Part E - Fire precautionary lay-out

Part F - Construction works

Part G - Interior design

2 komentářů
Ehm.. Fuj? :D Ty nákresy vypadají šíleně složitě. Mám tak kráásně jednoduchou školu! Ale je to hodně nápaditý, líbí se mi to :)
No šak som sa z toho šla zblázniť! Nikdy viac! Aspoňže ten výsledok stál za to, lebo keby sa to nepáčilo, asi si hodím mašlu xP
VymazatĎakujem za pochvalu ale :*
Thank you! :) I appreciate it!