Mysterious Mist
... and doubled exposition (because I ran out of film XD). I developed three films I was using since winter holidays and Christmas time. However, I´m still SO bad in taking interior pictures. Therefore there are few photos, that are simply too dark to be published, but I will subsequently show you all those taken outside ;). Now these from my time spent with daddy and Alfi-family in out lovely, reconstructed cottage.
For the best dentist of the future, Remy:
I documented our hike up to "Zámčisko" to see this beautiful inversion (which I successfully destroyed by making doubled exposition, but I really need to SOMEHOW capture such a beauty and what other choice did I have with finished film? :/ )
2 komentářů
Ta čtvrtá je boží!
OdpovědětVymazatRemy :D
Ďakujem! Za odmenu ti ju venujem ;) (možno aj vytlačenú, ak sa ešte niekedy stretneme xP)
VymazatThank you! :) I appreciate it!