Mint Tea

Secret Garden by Johanna

Day 39: Complete an anti-stress pattern.

Okey so, eh, here it is, I guess? I snapped this picture before really finishing the pattern, but it is 90% completed. And so you know, I´m not in stress, it´s just really funny and peaceful and the gold pen is shining against the light :)

I have the whole book with floral patterns related to the theme of Secret Garden I can fill with colors and I decided to inscribe few of them to my friends depending on the color they choose which I´m combining just with black. I already finished the third one and working on the forth. 

So, it´s nothing extraordinary, nevertheless, if you want to keep me occupied write me your favorite color so I can fill up pattern especially for you :P It is funnier doing it for somebody. At least for me.

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