Mint Tea

May News

Hey guys!

Since there are no photographies left and the film I finished just yesterday isn´t developed yet, I´m here to actually talk to you. Heh. Yeah, well, I haven´t done it for a while, so I guess, it´s quite a time to refresh my living status and share some big news with you.

I´ve been waiting for this moment to happen because there something really big in my life. It is a job. Like... a real job. Not these part-time jobs I had in the past. This one is serious. Moreover, it is from my domain. Not photographic, I´m not that lucky and still, I won´t have anything to make pictures with, so... it is architecture. I´m doing interior designs and for the sake of my customers, I love it SO MUCH.

It has been three weeks so far, fourth started this Monday, and I finished the third project, the fourth one lays next to my left hand. It is kind of single-storey family house. Smaller than my bachelor thesis, though :D and I´m really looking forward to design something like that. It´s going to be awesome!

Until then, I would love to show you my previous project, Prague flat of two rooms which you can find on our facebook page - HERE. I´m not really into so bright visualizations, but some things I´m unable to change. Yet. So... hopefully, you will see at least something.

However, there is one project I´m kinda proud of and which I want to share with you. You can see the difference in what I like and what likes my boss :D

To say more about this project, it´s not done under the leadership of the Fair Interior. My dear friend to whom I´m going to be a bridesmade asked me to help her with school project and since I had time, I agreed, of course. Shortly, she had been designing a polyfunctional building - administration combined with housing and that housing part was my task.

She designed staircase for one of the duplex and I did the rest under only one condition - match it with the exterior facade, which is white, black and turquoise:

Then, less exciting news, but I´m all freaked out by it, there´s going to be few great movies, I really have to see!

1) Closest to this date is Warcraft movie. You know, I was a gamer and admired this world, do you? So obviously, this is the movie, I need to see. Here´s the trailer, if there is someone brave enough to give it a chance. Another fantasy story, you know... but look at those effects! And I´m going to see it TONIGHT <3

2) Another great movie, for me, cause I´m helpless romantic, is "Me before you", starring someone like Khaleesi from Game of Thrones, Finnick from the Hunger Games, Clara from Doctor Who, Neville from Harry Potter, or Tywin from Game of Thrones. Seriously, I need to see this as well. Good for me, I don´t have to wait too long. The premier in UK is happening on the 2nd of June this year, so it will get to our cinemas somewhere around the time of the admissions to the magister´s program. -> watch trailer here

3) Around the November of 2016, there´s going to be Fantastic Beast and Where to find them movie from the wizarding world of Harry Potter, but without this dark-haired boy with scar and glasses.

4) However, if you are like me and you are missing Hermione, then I have an awesome news for you! Beauty and the Beast movie <3 based on original Disney tale <3 starring Emma Watson <3 is coming soon! Oh dear God or Faith or Whatever-has-the-power-to-keep-me-alive, let me live at least that long to see this.

The 7th of March, 2017, friends!

Watch the teaser -> here

I wish, all of them would be worth watching! Please, make them be great!

That´s all for now, farewell :*

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