Photo Challenge
Summer 2016 - Cape Verde I.
Day 148: Put your feet in the ocean.
My first time there. It wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't hot and it wasn't as sunny as you are used to see in movies. The sun set at five o'clock and most of the time it was kinda cloudy. Not every day, but still, the sky wasn't clear the whole time.
It was also the first time in my life, that I had been in two hotel complexes throughout the holiday. The Touareg was the first one, from which are these photos. There were little problems, like a cockroach on the terrace, the room at the farthest end of the hotel or huge waves where I sank my awesome sunglasses :( anyway, these were the problems we could live with, but when you have the opportunity for a change, you would be stupid not to take it.
So after three days we moved to the second hotel in the bay on the other side of the island. Which will be a part II., 'cause I have SO MANY photos.

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