Photo Challenge
Tiny Church of Drážovce
Day 331: Go for a walk somewhere scenic.
Okay, I lied. Sorry for that. I haven't really done that on purpose. I've told you, that I was able to try out my new camera for the first time during the trip to Pernštejn, but this was actually the very first time. My Big Bro came to visit me for a weekend and brought me two boxes from my last job in Megapixel.
Anyway, this was sort of... getting to know each other. Imagine a girl with a huge camera hanging down from her neck, frowning at the buttons while trying to find out how to set the focus points or the ISO on that thing... yeah, that was me then. But I figured it out!
Nevertheless, we went to Nitra, because I'd never been there (or I just simply didn't remember being there) and because I wished to see the tiny church built from stones where the majority of newlyweds from this area go for their wedding photoshoots.
It was as cute as I'd always imagine it would be, however, the lens I ordered with my new camera, wasn't exactly the right choice for taking pictures of buildings. Or human beings. For that, you would have to stand really... like, really really far away. Almost as in Shrek. The lens I'd chosen is more suitable for the portraits only. But they're done beautifully, though.

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Thank you! :) I appreciate it!