...at Lago di Garda... that little town that lies in northern parts of the great lake and has a cable car to mountain called Monte Baldo. That cable car you have to wait almost three hours to get there. Exactly as annoying as it sounds. But the view was worth it ;)
Welcome, explorer. My name is Veron and I'm half architect, half photojournalist.
This website is something like my visual diary, because I love taking photos, therefore you will most likely find here a lot of my journeys and stuff I like, such as different places, books, movies, series and people.
To nejlepší z roku 2017_Francie: 1. část
Jsem fakt hrozná, tak dlouho tu mám rozepsaný článek už z ledna o roku
2017, až v březnu sepisuji úplně jiný. Schválně jestli ho dopíšu! Ne,
vážně, potřeb...
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