Autumn Stories II.
Anual trip to High Tatras with my mum, her partner and my godparents. This year we had done this crazy hike. Exactly 18 kilometres! 8 hours of walking, divageting thoughout the mist, seeing nothing at all. Until the very end... It was epic. Definitely worth the pain in my knees I can still feel even now.
We had climbed up to Predný Salatín, had continued to Brestová, Salatín, Spalená down to Baníkovské sedlo and had painfully descended to Roháčské pleso and Zuberec, where we had been accommodated.
Of course, I ran out of film in my camera. Stupid stupid... so this last one is actually Baníkovské sedlo, captured with my mobile phone. Pretty good work, I think.

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