Mint Tea


I have this visit from faaar Olomouc, so it's was obvious to see the most remarkable monuments of Prague at night. Well, great idea,... or at least it sounded like that, until I realized, I forgot my tripod in Bratislava. Great,... just... great... geez!

However, I didn't give up and tried to take some photographies ... just like that. You know... push few buttons, move the little sprocket, hold breath and stand still, and voila! I'm still not as great lost case as I thought, but I can do better for sure.

(Kinda blurred, sorry :/)

I took those pictures also in RAW, what means, that I'm gonna have a lots of fun with my most adorably annoying Photoshop. (Can you feel the sarcasm? No? Reread it.)
(Now? Still nothing? Again.)
(Got it? Yes? Finally!)


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