Mint Tea

Oh, well...

I've been told, that so many people are waiting for another thoughtful post... I'm so so sorry guys. There was a lot of in my life. Many stressing situations I had to handle somehow and I did, yay. And then so many awesome moments that weren't photographic. So I didn't take any pictures at all. Okay, almost... I always took some at least, but not enough to get the film developed, however I have some from my last visit from home. So here they are:

My fluffy not-too-happy-to-be-photographed Jenny and sun. Even this is possible way how to spend a longer while, while waiting for my soup to be warm.

Back to my life, that interests you the most, right? ... just joking x)... sooo I fucked up the beginning of the term, cause I wanted to go to the architectural studio, where they didn't want me, 'cause I have to do the assignment for my Bachelor study and they don't have an apropriate theme. Town hall on Old town square seemed to be too big and family house too small. So I ended up without studio, which sucked. I had to write mail to a woman, who is in charge of these problems and she found me a studio... woohooo... I was so happy until I read where she sent me. To one of the most difficult studios we have in school. Imagine organic shapes, electromobiles, buildings of future... WHAT THE HELL? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FINISH THIS GODDAMN SCHOOL IN THIS STUDIO?
Yep, I was freaking out a bit. No, Im liar. A LOT. Like seriously, A LOT. And I still am. But what else can I do? Fight it, or give it up, and Im not that kind of person. Fortunatelly, master of studio is absolutelly perfect, tolerable and understanding. Im designing family house with photographic studio, because I CAN, hell yeah. Curious, how this will come out? Me too... me too... Its scaring all of the living daylights out of me.

On the other hand I had really beautiful time with my mum and Pali as we were on bikes, in cinema and so on. And today I was with my wonderful sister Michell, which was nice and fun, and I'm so happy, that there is at least someone I can share my passion for DjG with. I'm gonna miss her so much, 'cause on the 10th of January, she is leaving to France for half of a year. I'm not sure, what I'm gonna do without her...

And I still have my perfect job, dance classes, rpgs. Well, there's so much to do and so little time for something like blogging or photographing. But it would be alright eventually. Some things just need to be done first, then there will be enough time for other stuff.

Few news:
- I'm almost one year older, than I was
- I got new phone, thank you so much, daddy! :***
- I got new clothes, thank you so much, mum! :***
- One old, but great friend of mine added me on facebook. 
- Found new one from America, hi Dyer! I looove you ^_^
- I started to write my diary once again. In phone.
- I started to be annoyed by HOCZ...
- and so on...

Good night, everybody. Sleep well :)

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