Mint Tea

10 things I adore the most

I don't want you to think about me as a person full of hatred. I'm not, at least I hope I'm not :) To equate last post I decided to write new one, dedicated to stuff I like, because there is so many little joys around us, that are being neglecting. Mainly when you are stressed from school... heh. So, after bit of a rest I can see more of them :)

1) I adore, when someone praise something completely ordinary that I've done. Something unexpected, cause you take it as a part of your character or just rutine. I'm not talking about something you've been trying to achieve for too long and they compliment it with words "you did a great job!". Obviously, this one is nice and heartwarming too, but I meant this little compliments coming out nowhere. When you clean the mess at you workplace and your colleague would say "You are amazing, thank you!" or when you have to speak with people, cause that's your job and after saying goodbye to a customer, your colleague would say "I really missed you! You are so naturally kind to people and they like it so much!" or when my mum conviced me to come home and we've been prepearing lunch together. She's told me that she is so pleased with me being helpful and accompaning her. It pleases me a lot, because people notice the stuff we are doing, but most of the time they seem not to care or be lazy to express it, or too shy or whatever. I don't do it either, but I definitely should, because this feeling afterwards is simply epic.

2) I adore... air-condition in my room! Especially in this terrible heat :D

3) I adore when I got a postcard or a letter. So old-school and untraditional in these days, because most of the time you simply got an e-mail or text. 

4) I adore when my mum came pick me up from a bus station after long and annoying journey and first thing she tells me is "we have a soup at home." There's nothing better than mummy, who can empathise and figure out my needs when I'm not very talkative.

5) I adore my family, of course. They are great, so supportive, but the thing I adore is the possibility to talk with each one of them. It wasn't always like that because of some obstacles such as difference in age for example. Therefore is great to feel important even for my younger sisters when they are in need of advice or just opinion and they pick me to talk to.

6) I adore hugs and it doesn't matter, if they are friendly, caring, firm, long, short, but it must be with someone trustworthy and well-known by me, otherwise I'm not able to fully enjoy it.

7) I adore pumpkin oil! Omg it is such a treasure!!! (and I adore even peanut butter, hehe :D)

8) I adore when everything is going well according to plan, cause it doesn't happen very often :D generally I have to change it to plan B, C, D... M, ... no, generally I have to improvise, uh uh. However I'm really profi in it :D

9) I adore the after-work-out and being-showered feeling, when I can just sit, drink water and tell myself I'm satisfied I wasn't sitting whole day and actually did something for my health and body.

10) I adore laughing. Personally, I do not laugh much, cause I don't find many things funny, more like awkward, stupid or pitiful. I know, I'm too serious and I'm not joke-teller either, but when someone is, I can laugh a lot so my midriff is hurting and I'm unable to take a breath :D


I adore storms! All of the lightnings, thunders, drumming of raindrops on my window and fresh air, mhmmm <3

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