Mint Tea

European Field Hockey Tournament 2015

I've never paid too much attention to this kind of sport. The only connection was through Emma Watson. If I remember it correctly, she played field hockey. However time had changed and field hockey was the main concern of mine throughout last week due to Europe championship of division B where two my friends, twins actually, were playing with the team of other girls. They call themselves Holkis and I was really curious, how good they are :D kidding, the main reason was to cheer them up :)

So it happened, that while I was making plans, Terka came to work and we decided to go together, cause she knows them as well. I brought my analogue Nikon... but just today I found out, I did something terribly wrong, cause nothing captured on the film :( I'm unspeakably sad and disappointed of myself. I lost all of the group photos.

Those photographies are from the other match I attended on my own with Canon, so I have few images at least.

But foremost, let me tell you something. Adél and Stormy (uhm, Tereza) are really talented, I didn't doubt that for a while, so I was ready to be happy for them, however the gratefulness and euphoria to see both of them progressing, winning and dancing is undescribable. They managed to proceed to division A and won a silver medal! Congratulation girls! You are the very best! And thank you so much for letting me be a part of one of the most important moments of your lives!

(It was first time I tried to edit my own photos from raw version and my colleague Honza showed me how to do it on this upper photo, so you can see it's slightly different than the rest of them, because I wasn't able to copy his process, but I promise, I will practice editing till it will be good enough.)

Once more, CONGRATULATIONS! :) Sending hugs to both of you.

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3 komentářů

  1. Tak to je fakt velká škoda. :( Někdy musíme jít znovu a napravit to!

  2. To rozhodne :) nahováram tie dve na lanový park v Hostivaři. Tak poď s nami ak sa nebojíš výšok :P

  3. Klidně bych šla! Sice po minulé zkušenosti, kdy jsme byli s Michalem, Lukym a Verčou v jednom lanovém parku, jsem zjistila, že se výšek přece jenom trochu asi bojím, tak to klidně půjdu prubnout znovu. :) :D


Thank you! :) I appreciate it!

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