Mint Tea

Then and now

It's snowing! So many beautiful snowflakes! How awesome is that?! I've wished.... please don't melt!!! I love this snow-white landscape!

And now... that awfull browness and leafless trees are fully visible again, changing my mood to bored and annoyed. But there is something bright in the terribly sad time... Snow-drops! I knew, they are somewhere near by, was actually looking for them in nature! With Filip. He took picture as well.

But we found just crocuses... That first picture of tiny violet flower is taken by him (with my literally random exposition, I wasn't sure at all. I'm glad, he did that, 'cause my photo is kinda blurred... well, I'm blind. You all know that.).

Sooo yes, I came out with camera and for my unpleasant surprise, there was non of them. Nor even in the woods! How could this be even possible?! However, I found them in the middle of Bratislava, at the ancient cemetery. Look! So beautiful!

And then I ran out of pictures (or film)! Whaaaaa :D

More about my photoshooting on my dearest Nikon later :)

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