Cape Verde VI.
Last few photos are from the second half of our trip when we went to the local docks. It smelled like salt and fish, and there were annoying Senegalese everywhere... x_X forcing us to buy at least something. Ugh.
The rest of the holidays was spent on the beach, sunbathing and trying not to fall asleep. I finished two whole books and started to read the third one I became kinda obsessed with. I prepared a new post, so you will soon be informed, I promise. Until then, enjoy the summer.

2 komentářů
I adore the atmosphere that I can sense from all the photos from Cape Verde. Thanks for the insight into such a beautiful place. :)
PS: The new design is swell.^^
Annie, thank you so much, darling :*
VymazatHowever, it is not as pretty country as it might appear. It is poor and droughty, but definitely interesting.
Thank you! :) I appreciate it!