Mint Tea

Farewell, Žužmi

My dearest readers, you´ve been waiting far too long for any indication of a post recently and I´m truly so sorry about the silence before the storm. Sorry for neglecting all of you, but here I am now, with almost seventy photos I developed just today. Obviously, I have to share them, because they are the little reminder of my last weekend in Prague, with all of my friends, even though I don´t have the photo of everyone. Take it as a promise to come back to retrieve the forgotten. For now, here are the fragments of the spring and of Prague through my eyes. 

I´d arrived in Prague close to the late evening on Wednesday, unable to go anywhere else, but right on Thursday I´d met with my lovely ex-roomie and had accomplished the task of cleaning the refrigerator, oven and microwave for others roommates I´ve been living since the start of summer 2015. So checked it out of the list of 365-day challenge and enjoy the photographies from my walk with Žužmi, because it is the very first time I´d not been frustrated by the blooming cherry trees. They are on the path to my school and they indicate the approaching deadline of our term-works in the architectural studios. 

Day 149: Clean the house for a roommate or significant other. 

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