Mint Tea

St. Patrick's Day

Lucky day everyone! Smile! Go find those larky four-leaf clovers! Get some green *beer! And go try irish dance! Just have a beautiful day, week, year. I wish you to find your happiness, 'cause it's hidden somewhere for sure! Find the beginning of rainbow, or the end, whatsoever, and there it would be, I'm conviced of that :))) or just smile, at least for today, put on something green and listen to flute-violin-guitar-piano-and-others-instrumental songs made by the Irish. Here's some examples I adore:

(If you like The Corrs, I recommend you to listen whole concert called Unplugged :) Btw, they are three sisters and one brother, everyone musically talented, and I knew them since I was fourteen. It's happened thanks to my dad :) )
Examples of traditional folk music of Ireland:
Cry of the Celts
Celtic woman - The Butterfly
King of the Fairies

In case, you really fell in love with this kind of music, you may appreciate the exhibition of the best Irish dancer on the world - Lord of the Dance (of course, what did you think? :P). I've seen them in far past in Bratislava, and it was wonderful. See for yourself:
Feet of Flames (and version from 1998 which I like most)

Well, I'm kinda watching serial now, clicking stuff for school and wearing red&black clothes, because I haven't got anything green. The only green things around me are a box full of films for my Nikon, pillow... and broccoli :D How poor am I??? :D

*Firstly I wrote "Get some of green bear! :D well, from now on, I'm establishing the cult of green bears next to the cult of pink elephants and the cult of blue giraffes :P

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