Not many people in my life know, that I really love hiking. It´s something I probably inherited from my parents for sure. They used to hike a lot and when I was little, my daddy taught me to love it. He used to take me with his friends to various trips, where we had been sleeping under the stars and carrying just one backpack on the shoulders.
Day 205: Go hiking.
Not many people in my life know, that I really love hiking. It´s something I probably inherited from my parents for sure. They used to hike a lot and when I was little, my daddy taught me to love it. He used to take me with his friends to various trips, where we had been sleeping under the stars and carrying just one backpack on the shoulders.
My best friend's mum asked me to design a bedroom for her. She already has some of the furniture such as the bed and the table or the wardrobe, so I just had to match the existing furniture with new ones.
Another project I did for Dobrý Interiér. I spent almost three months designing this family house, but it´s done now. Finally. Hope you like it, because I was freaking out. Kinda proud at last, though.
The coolest part about being friends with Michael is the sense of enjoying the little moments of life. These tiny glimpses of everyday life that seem unimportant but actually make you happier when you notice them.
Day 101: Ask a barista for latte art.
The coolest part about being friends with Michael is the sense of enjoying the little moments of life. These tiny glimpses of everyday life that seem unimportant but actually make you happier when you notice them.
Day 331: Go for a walk somewhere scenic.
Okay, I lied. Sorry for that. I haven't really done that on purpose. I've told you, that I was able to try out my new camera for the first time during the trip to Pernštejn, but this was actually the very first time. My Big Bro came to visit me for a weekend and brought me two boxes from my last job in Megapixel.
Another of our trips to Czech castles and temples. This time it was Pernštejn, located close to Brno. I have to say...
Day 31: Treat yourself to something sweet.
Another family trip to Austria joined even by my godparents. The first stop was a baroque abby of Melk. It was the perfect example of how quickly is one able to forget everything he learnt for exams. Ehm... yeah... I though I'd never ever heard about Melk, but when I saw it from a car-window, I realized what it was, I even added it to my list of places, I would love to visit. Ehm.. yeah.
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The tenth of August, 2006. Cimburk. Moravia. The very first HOCZ camp. We were there... together. |
Day 33: Post an old photo that makes you happy on social media.
Tell me, who would expect this friendship to last so long in this bloody cyber life? I wouldn't. I had my reasons, though. And my pesimistic self. Moreover, you annoyed me so much ten years ago :D Therefore I am truly happy to call you my best friend, Michael. You are the one, who inspired me to explore the possibilities of life beyond my comfort zone. Your hashtag #zivotjakfilm was one of the main motivations to do something new, something different, and something I had used to be doing once, but forgot how it felt.
Another series I fell in love with. Completely. Unconditionally. Four men. In hats. With swords/cords. And guns. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan. And Constance.
Another series I fell in love with. Completely. Unconditionally. Four men. In hats. With swords/cords. And guns. Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan. And Constance.
Your argument is invalid.
Last few photos are from the second half of our trip when we went to the local docks. It smelled like salt and fish, and there were annoying Senegalese everywhere... x_X forcing us to buy at least something. Ugh.
The second trip was to the edge of the local slum... it stank really awfully. Exactly like a place that has no sewer system. We were told, that the people have a certain spot inside their dwellings, which is used as toilet. How sad is that? The children were happy, though. So keen for the tourists with a prospect of something sweet to eat, although we have been warned right before the entrance to not to do that.
Right after our clapping games we hopped back on the truck and drove to the renown shore with a shipwrecked ship called Santa Maria. It became one of the most significant symbols of the islands of Cape Verde and mainly of Boa Vista. The truth is, the ship is not as old as it might appear. It is the work of the salt and waves, that made it look really old, although it shipwrecked forty years ago if I remember it correctly.
Day 110: Collect shells on a beach.
Right after our clapping games we hopped back on the truck and drove to the renown shore with a shipwrecked ship called Santa Maria. It became one of the most significant symbols of the islands of Cape Verde and mainly of Boa Vista. The truth is, the ship is not as old as it might appear. It is the work of the salt and waves, that made it look really old, although it shipwrecked forty years ago if I remember it correctly.
Our first trip was to the little village next to the airport where the manufacture of a ceramic was located. These few buildings were left there by the builders of the hotel complexes and the airport. Throughout few years they became inhabited by immigrants from Senegal or the locals from the islands of Cape Verde.
Day 134: Go on a photography adventure.
Our first trip was to the little village next to the airport where the manufacture of a ceramic was located. These few buildings were left there by the builders of the hotel complexes and the airport. Throughout few years they became inhabited by immigrants from Senegal or the locals from the islands of Cape Verde.
The hotel complex of Karamboa was almost the same. A bit prettier and smaller, though. There were no cockroaches and there was huge sandy beach. With waves, that could be easily handled. So we were actually swimming after all, not just trying not to drown. :P
Day 220: Sip on a poolside beer.
The hotel complex of Karamboa was almost the same. A bit prettier and smaller, though. There were no cockroaches and there was huge sandy beach. With waves, that could be easily handled. So we were actually swimming after all, not just trying not to drown. :P
We got a room which was exactly the same, except for one missing sink and we could finally unpack our suitcases! And had to wake up really early to catch at least some sunbeds, because everyone was gathered on the beach, not scared of the sea anymore.
Day 148: Put your feet in the ocean.
My first time there. It wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't hot and it wasn't as sunny as you are used to see in movies. The sun set at five o'clock and most of the time it was kinda cloudy. Not every day, but still, the sky wasn't clear the whole time.
It was also the first time in my life, that I had been in two hotel complexes throughout the holiday. The Touareg was the first one, from which are these photos. There were little problems, like a cockroach on the terrace, the room at the farthest end of the hotel or huge waves where I sank my awesome sunglasses :( anyway, these were the problems we could live with, but when you have the opportunity for a change, you would be stupid not to take it.
So after three days we moved to the second hotel in the bay on the other side of the island. Which will be a part II., 'cause I have SO MANY photos.
Officially Bc.Alfie. Huge thanks to my best family ever. Thank you for the support throughout my whole studying. Thank you for coming. Thank you for being so amazing. I love you so so much.
These few day in Prague, with all of you, was the best experience in my life. Seriously. Epicness. There wasn´t anything bad at all. Your presence, weather, ceremony, food... every single thing. It still means so much to me.
(And here comes a gif(t):)
I had a visit from Morava, my friend from HOCZ and since it was really beautiful outside, we decided to take a trip to the ruins of Tematin castle. The storm caught us on the way up there, though, so we invaded the only wooden shelter already occupied by tourists hiding before a heavy and cold rain. But as it has been said "the more the merrier" ... so we had fun, we got wet, we shared the fire and ate grilled stuff, we waited till the storm passed away, we said goodbyes and went to see the piles of stones a few people from Slovakia is trying to reconstruct back to its original appearance. Anyway, it was beautiful, really beautiful.
Hey guys!
Hey guys!
Since there are no photographies left and the film I finished just yesterday isn´t developed yet, I´m here to actually talk to you. Heh. Yeah, well, I haven´t done it for a while, so I guess, it´s quite a time to refresh my living status and share some big news with you.
Day 99: Visit your family.
My beloved dad was celebrating his fiftieth birthday... the whole family came, even those from the far east of Slovakia, so we could try how is the sleeping under the roof because there weren´t enough beds for everybody. But I loved the lair I shared with Michell and Alen. We had the best air and temperature than other rooms.
Day 11: FaceTime an old friend.
I really appreciate I could become a part of such an important moment in Maggie´s life even if we weren´t in touch for a long time.
She was a beautiful bride and I decided to just watch everything, not to be annoying with the sound of clicking mirror inside my camera. So just a few photographies...
Congratulation Maggie! I wish you to be happy at least as much as you were with John before your wedding day.
Three things need to be said about this fairy-tale-ish castle: it does look like some kind of medieval place with wooden table ten times bigger than any of the holes in the wall (it had to be placed inside the kitchen before the roof, hell yeah)... it is really romantic... however, it is sort of a collage of many architectural styles and sometimes it feels too odd. You look at one side and see combination of a gothic rooftop next to a romanesque wall. You look inside the gothic building and find exactly the same ceiling as it is inside of the Vladislav Hall within the Prague Castle. Strange as it was, it was kinda beautiful mess.
It was reconstructed under the leadership of Jan Nepomucky after it was destroyed by the Swedes. He reconstructed it as sight-seeing castle on purpose. Well... it works till now.
Day 134: Go on a photography adventure.
Three things need to be said about this fairy-tale-ish castle: it does look like some kind of medieval place with wooden table ten times bigger than any of the holes in the wall (it had to be placed inside the kitchen before the roof, hell yeah)... it is really romantic... however, it is sort of a collage of many architectural styles and sometimes it feels too odd. You look at one side and see combination of a gothic rooftop next to a romanesque wall. You look inside the gothic building and find exactly the same ceiling as it is inside of the Vladislav Hall within the Prague Castle. Strange as it was, it was kinda beautiful mess.
It was reconstructed under the leadership of Jan Nepomucky after it was destroyed by the Swedes. He reconstructed it as sight-seeing castle on purpose. Well... it works till now.
Yeah and these three Chihuahuas where the highlight of the trip ;) too cute to be left unphotographed.
There's a reading on the wall
Of all the things that I have done
Pump my blood and lead me on
Anywhere you´ll take me
See it all
Of all the things that I have done
Pump my blood and lead me on
Anywhere you´ll take me
See it all
I don´t know if you are informed enough to know about my secret scrapbook or not, anyhow, I have had one for a really... I mean, REALLY long time. It´s been eight years actually and since it´s hand made done by Maggie, you can imagine, how bad its condition is. Why am I even bothering with revealing such stuff? Because this scrapbook of mine is the main reason of these photographies.
Day 40: Visit a local park. (the Earth Day)
´Cause I´m such a bad and selfish person, I decided to annoy and tease my dear friend a little bit more since it´s the last time for a longer period I really can. It was the Earth day, so I drag him up to the top of hills, across the lawn and around the trees, even more! I forced him to take pictures, and even more, I convinced him to do a selfie, actually :D The worst part of it is, he had brand new shoes. Beautiful, by the way. However this wasn´t just ordinary city tour... so I truly believe, he must hate me for this and it might be the reason of that shadow of guilt I feel while looking at these photos. I´m so sooorry, Mikey! Hopefully, your sneakers made it without any scratches!
It was my second time I was in the Wallenstein garden with Mikey. The first time I had messed up with the film and it had come out blank. Well... shit happens, right? Anyhow, this time, it was so much prettier! Just look. Magnolias everywhere.
My dearest readers, you´ve been waiting far too long for any indication of a post recently and I´m truly so sorry about the silence before the storm. Sorry for neglecting all of you, but here I am now, with almost seventy photos I developed just today. Obviously, I have to share them, because they are the little reminder of my last weekend in Prague, with all of my friends, even though I don´t have the photo of everyone. Take it as a promise to come back to retrieve the forgotten. For now, here are the fragments of the spring and of Prague through my eyes.
Day 2: Sign up for a free exercise class.
Yeah, it has been a while now, because we started exactly on the very first day of April, so it has been twenty-two days in a row so far, I´ve been doing this challenge, that my friend Sicoma came up with. Simply, you have to do something sporty each day. It doesn´t really matter if you just take the stairs instead of the lift or decide to walk instead of going by bus. Even a little unordinary or unusual movement counts.
It´s still not too late to join us, so feel free to sign up too :) you can do that here:
© Michaela Rules
Day 113: Watch a cute animal video.
I remembered this from many years ago, almost completly forgot that something like this even exists. It´s not cute in the fluffy-stuff way, but more like hilarious video starring the giraffe.
Watch the video:
Well, she is not exactly a puppy anymore however, she acts like one sometimes. It was just yesterday I was looking for a honey to my oatmeal but I found this tiny round cakes dog-owners used to reward their pets with.
Day 167: Play with puppies.
Well, she is not exactly a puppy anymore however, she acts like one sometimes. It was just yesterday I was looking for a honey to my oatmeal but I found this tiny round cakes dog-owners used to reward their pets with.
Neither me, nor Jenny, could possibly remember when she had it for last time, so I decided to give her one for a change. What was her reaction to my kindness? She took it to her chops and ran away with it to her place and in five seconds she was back. Jumping and romping like crazy.
For Žužmi.
Because you are still here no matter what (and because it was before the discovery that frogs are your guilty pleasure :D)
Day 297: Get some fresh air.
For Žužmi.
Because you are still here no matter what (and because it was before the discovery that frogs are your guilty pleasure :D)
It was a matter of coincidence, that exactly throught that few days my friend stopped by on his journey to Budapest, was such a beautiful weather. We enjoyed it to the fullest when I took him to Eurovea. As I mentioned in one of the older posts I think this project is really amazing. It successfully resolves the connection of town and river which no one did before. Except of PKO that is going to be destroyed if it didn´t happen altready.
Day 103: Go for a long walk.
It was a matter of coincidence, that exactly throught that few days my friend stopped by on his journey to Budapest, was such a beautiful weather. We enjoyed it to the fullest when I took him to Eurovea. As I mentioned in one of the older posts I think this project is really amazing. It successfully resolves the connection of town and river which no one did before. Except of PKO that is going to be destroyed if it didn´t happen altready.
Okey so, eh, here it is, I guess? I snapped this picture before really finishing the pattern, but it is 90% completed. And so you know, I´m not in stress, it´s just really funny and peaceful and the gold pen is shining against the light :)
Day 39: Complete an anti-stress pattern.
Okey so, eh, here it is, I guess? I snapped this picture before really finishing the pattern, but it is 90% completed. And so you know, I´m not in stress, it´s just really funny and peaceful and the gold pen is shining against the light :)
Day 16: Go to your local farmers market.
I have to admit I tend to be very critical when it comes to architecture in Bratislava. There is so little of which I can say I like and just three building I love. First is the house I live in, the second one is Eurovea, I'm gonna show you pictures later, and the third one is this brand new building for fresh markets.
Another review of another awesome serie I love so so much I was eager to watch it twice from the beginning. Crazy? Oh, nope. Just seriously in love with these two gentlemen and the ironic and sarcastic humor of theirs.
Day 356: Get a box of doughnuts.
Long time ago, that long I can´t even remember it more specifically, I´ve promised my best friend I will come visit him. He is from Ostrava and I´ve been there just once at night. And since then there wasn´t opportunity convenient enough to go and honour my promise. Until now. I had a great time eating doughnuts and pasta, watching movies, walking around Ostrava and exploring new city. I do enjoyed this adventure. However I´ve became sick and it was too bad that I had to go home sooner we both expected. It is a reason to come back though.

When Alan Rickman died, I was sad, because I´ve seen him in movies and I could understand that he was great actor, but I wasn´t really able to appreciate what he has done, simply because I´m not an actor and I shall never be, so everything he did I admired.
Yesterday was sad again, because one of the few women I´ve been looking up to since my uni-studies, has passed away. I´m talking about the great Zaha Hadid, architect from Iran. I can´t even tell you, what it means to me. She was fabulous and rebellious, her works inspired me and her personality and success made me believe, that even woman can be on the top between all of the men architect. And now, she is gone. There won´t be another organic and fearless buildings in white with as much greenery as possible. No quotes that would force you to think and try to understand.

Lauren, the all-in-leather one, is the tiniest and cutest person I´ve ever met, but do not let her innocent smile fool you. She is such a bad ass.
From that precious moment, I reviewed a Leverage series, I absolutely forgot to do that again even when I watched three different series I liked so much. So I´m gonna get it right and tell you something about really old serie called Gilmore Girls.
After my success in school I came back to Slovakia to celebrate with my family. My beloved gradma baked a cake for me and daddy fullfilled my prayers to find some snowdrops I´ve almost missed again. He took us for a walk to forest and showed me secret place full of tiny white flowers he was hiding and concealing from the people since childhood. I´m not a fan of picking flowers, because I like them more at the place they grew up. When you put them in the vase placed in the middle of dining table, they won´t last for long. I took symbolically just this one for my sister.
Day 58: Pick flowers.
After my success in school I came back to Slovakia to celebrate with my family. My beloved gradma baked a cake for me and daddy fullfilled my prayers to find some snowdrops I´ve almost missed again. He took us for a walk to forest and showed me secret place full of tiny white flowers he was hiding and concealing from the people since childhood. I´m not a fan of picking flowers, because I like them more at the place they grew up. When you put them in the vase placed in the middle of dining table, they won´t last for long. I took symbolically just this one for my sister.
Day 36: Start a blog.
I already started one and I think, one is enough. So, I´m gonna skip this one marked as "done" and show you pictures from my spring holidays with mum, Terez and godparents.
Not quite sure, what I am supposed to tell about this, ´cause it pretty obvious, right? Whah, anyways... my life is fine, I´m not frustrated due to my damn school, I´m unemployed and have sooo much time I easily become bored. However, that´s not the reason, why I agree to this challenge.