Mint Tea

Much Ado About Jenny

Day 167: Play with puppies.

Well, she is not exactly a puppy anymore however, she acts like one sometimes. It was just yesterday I was looking for a honey to my oatmeal but I found this tiny round cakes dog-owners used to reward their pets with.

Neither me, nor Jenny, could possibly remember when she had it for last time, so I decided to give her one for a change. What was her reaction to my kindness? She took it to her chops and ran away with it to her place and in five seconds she was back. Jumping and romping like crazy.

My unawakened self asked "what the hell are you doing?" and suspiciously forced me to check upon her what she did. Whether she ate it or just put aside. And she ran away with me, trying to get there first, obviously too playful about something like that. It was evident, she hide it somewhere so I started to look for tiny cake. I found it under the pillow she sleeps on, but she quickly captured it before me and ran away again! Only the shake my head with disbelief left for me, before following her, of course.

I found her at the top of the stair, fawning and visibly smiling at me with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. So I asked her, where did she hide it this time, and I can tell you, she understood, because she disappeared in the study and lay down on a carpet. I teased her a bit until she moved away so I could withdraw the cake from under the sofa she was already sitting on and fluttering from one side to another, still happily fawning! Unbelievable!

We cuddled a bit, I scratched her in between of the ears and returned the cake back to her. She cocked her head to one side, jumped for the last time and backed down.

I'm still not quite sure, what she did with the cake and a bit curious where I will find it now if she didn't eat it at last.

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