Mint Tea


Another review of another awesome serie I love so so much I was eager to watch it twice from the beginning. Crazy? Oh, nope. Just seriously in love with these two gentlemen and the ironic and sarcastic humor of theirs.

The whole serie is about american lawyers where Harvey Specter (on the right side, played by Gabriel Macht), well known as "best closer in NYC", is looking for another colleague to hire as associate, but all those lames from Harvard are not good enough. He is annoyed until Mike Ross (on the left side, played by Patrick J. Adams) shows up and proves he is undoubtedly the best candidate despite neither recieving a college degree nor attending Harvard, 'cause he is genious, intelligent and has a photographic memory, but instead of studying and working properly, he is taking LSATs for others to make money for his ill grandmother.

After few argues and teasing Mike learns as much from Harvey as he is able to and Harvey knows he finally found someone as great as himself even he refuses to admit it.


Harvey: "Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am."

Harvey: "Unless you are looking to cook me breakfast tomorrow, I think we are done."

Harvey: "When your back's against the wall, break the god damn thing down"

Harvey : "What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head?"
Mike: "What are you talking about? You do what they say or they shoot you."
Harvey: "Wrong. You take the gun, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things."

Mike: "Ahhh, Houston we have a problem!"
Harvey: "Did you order the Code Red?"
Mike: "You can't handle the truth."
Harvey: "You talkin' to me?"
Mike: "Say hello to my little friend. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Harvey: "Surely (shirley), you can't be serious "
Mike: "I am serious and don't call me Shirley. I am mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Harvey: "He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital. You send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way."
Mike: "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse."
Harvey: "Release the Kraken."
Mike: "I see dead people."
Harvey: "Have fun storming the castle."
Mike: "I'll be back." (awkward pause)
Harvey: "May the force be with you."
Mike: "Yippie Kai Yay Motherfucker."

Mike: "Louis knows."
Harvey: "Louis knows what?"
Mike: "My dirty little secret:"
Harvey: "That you are Canadian?"

Mike: " Yeah baby! Butch and Sundance are back."
Harvey: "You're not Butch or Sundance. Butch was a leader, Sundance was a gunslinger. And I'm both."

HOWEVER, although I hopelessly love men in suits, the most favorite character of mine is Donna. It might be my feminists self speaking, but hey, she is gorgeous! I mean it. Most of the time I was laughing because of her. Well... everybody needs Donna of their own, right Doctor?

Donna Paulsen

Is played by Sarah Rafferty and she is Harvey's secretary. You really need to know anything from the backgroud of character, just the one, she is the very best and Harvey refuses to work without her. They are like best friend they once used to date.

VIDEO: My favorite scene with Donna


Donna: "I'm sorry I don't have a photographic memory but my brain is already too busy being awesome. "

Donna: "Donna"
xyz: "Just Donna?"
Donna: "Like a name and a title in one. You'll see."

Harvey: "Donna I need the... " (She hand him over the paper he needs) "Also I didn't have chance to ... " (She hand him over coffee) "Marry me?"
Donna: "Took care of that too. We've been married for the last seven years."
Harvey: "Excellent."

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